Monday, September 03, 2007

Great Punctuation, NB!

"I Cant Think Of Anything Funny Thats Not Profane"? Seriously? Here's a link you might find useful, bro.


NB said...

is this what you meant when you described yourself as "outrageously hilarious"?

Ahsan said...

no, that's not what i meant. im just providing a link to the wikipedia entry for "apostrophe". perhaps you can look it up some time?

Ahsan said...

on a completely unrelated note, i see AB is still listed as a "contributor" to rs.5. surely that's being a little generous to the man, given he doesn't know the friggin' address of the blog (as he said so himself in his last email). should we leave him there (on the list) as a relic of a bygone era or should we move on and subject his name on rs.5 to the guillotine?