Saturday, October 06, 2007

Winning Wars with Gay Love

The U.S. Military sure is serious about winning hearts and minds. And they're alrady winning awards for it:

Award: The Ig Nobel Peace Prize (The Ig Nobel committee celebrates unusual and imaginative areas of scientific research - its still proper science.

Winner: The US Air Force Wright Laboratory for instigating research and development on a chemical weapon that would provoke widespread homosexual behaviour among enemy troops. The "gay bomb" when released behind enemy lines will make enemy troops "sexually irresistible" to each other.

For the Washington Posts's view on the Gay Bomb click here. A complete list of the Ig Nobel winners can be found here. Click here for the official Ig Nobel website.


Ahsan said...

kabir, when are we going to talk about the elephant in the room, i.e the political scene in pakistan? no one has posted on this for days. i was planning one after mush's "election". what about you?

AKS said...

I was planning on writing a preview yesterday, then went to see the cricket instead. I'll probably have something by tomorrow. I've become so disgusted by the entire process. Politicians are meant to be two timing scum bags but the politics of these elections is beyond anything I've witnessed. I'm not talking about ideologies here but the politics - the signing of new deals and severance of old ties; these guys are pushing the known boundaries of hypocisy.

Ahsan said...

dude, i don't understand why you're getting your panties in a twist. politicians all over the world make deals and sever old ties, sometimes based on political expediency, sometimes based on necessity and sometimes based on a genuine desire to turn a corner. i suspect there is a bit of all three here, at least among the big players. anyway it's the weekend so i'm fairly confident i'm going to have the time to get a post out when i will tease these issues out. i await your typically biting analysis with bated breath. (i also can't wait for everyone to misunderstand your sarcasm and to declare you either a fascist or an right-wing islamic JI type).

AKS said...

thank you for your kind words. I agree with what you're saying, but what is happening here is that barring the uniform issue, there has been no debate on anything of substance. Even at his worst, Nawaz Sharif in power still claimed that he was going to house and eletrify the people (meray gaon may bijli ayee hai).

I completely understand that its the most important issue - a choice between military rule and democracy is a topic worth dedicating an election to. However, where the parties concerned have shown a chameleon like tendency to change their views on the topic of military rule then the hypocrisy of the process becomes extremely magnified.

NB said...

I think we should get involved in a gay arms race. Then we can send our gay scientists to the Netherlands to steal the technology, and sell it secretly it on the global market for gay stuff in return for other gay stuff. Then when india is gay first, we can be gay back, so yeah they wont even dare to try.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.

AKS said...

I was about to reply to "Lexine" wondering how she came to that conclusion. I mean it's really hard to do so reading this post, or most of what I write.

Turns out stupid Lexine is an Insurance Scam. And with that my attempts self depricating, dry wit evaporated into the air. whoosh...