Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The ISI: Our Favorite Intelligence Agency For A Reason

Aren't these guys just the sweetest people in the world?
As part of the emergency measures, the government has also blocked transmissions by privately owned television stations.

Hamid Mir, an anchor with Pakistan's independent Geo TV network, said Tuesday that Geo's chief executive had been taken to a safe house operated by the country's Inter-Services Intelligence service, or ISI, and accused of "anti-Pakistan activities."

That was followed up by an e-mail in which the CEO, Shakil Rahman, was warned that "Pakistan Army is the backbone of Pakistan, don't try to damage it." If he did, the e-mail continued, he and his family "would be hunted down like rats."

Meanwhile, our lawyers are keeping up with their protests. It's hilarious how the NYT felt the need to provide subtitles in their interview with one lawyer, despite his speaking English. I guess, to be fair, it's only us Pakistanis who understand that "murshel laa" actually means "martial law".

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