Thursday, February 28, 2008

A New Five Rupees Tradition: The Wednesday Poll

The people have spoken. By a whopping 10-6 margin, you, the readers, have asked for more polls on Rs.5 (the remaining 16 respondents didn't have a strong opinion either way). So from here on until eternity, we will put up a poll here on Five Rupees every Wednesday and call it the Wednesday Poll.

Our inaugural poll seeks the answer to the following: What is the more unlikely and cognitively jarring outcome? Is it (a) Nawaz Sharif becoming the champion of the judiciary, or (b) Asif Zardari resembling a conciliatory statesman? Vote early and often and tell us what you think.


Anonymous said...

PLEASE dont start using these polls as authority on their content.

Ahsan said...

i have no idea what that comment even means. please restate it in somewhat more comprehensible language.

Anonymous said...

Lets say YOU are of the opinion that Nawaz Sharif becomming a champion of the judiciary is the most unlikely and cognitively jarring outcome you can imagine.

Please dont use the Wednesday poll to substantiate your point of view, the way some people may use a poll from Reuters or other established organisations. Like: "This is what I think and the poll last week leads further credence to my point of view because 12 people agreed with my option and 4 didnt".

Anonymous said...

By the way, did anyone else not understand my initial comment?

Ahsan said...

well you really shouldn't have to worry on that front - when's the last time the majority of readers agreed with me on anything?

Anonymous said...

Just because you use big words like authority and content doesn't make yours a valid statement, farooq.

Anonymous said...

i voted for nawaz. apparently hillary clinton had great things to say about zardari in her biography.

i've never verified it, but after finding that out, nothing about zardari can seem as cognitively jarring.

Ahsan said...

farooq, can you please settle something? can you please tell us, in all honesty, whether or not my first comment in response to your first comment can be classified as "rude"? thanks.

Anonymous said...


The tone of that statement is very curt and dismissive. If you dont realize that, it actually pleases me, since it proves your social ineptness and inherent stupidity. Im serious. I dare you to send that comment to ANYONE you know (fiance, parents, whatever) and ask them to judge it independently, without regard to the author. I am pretty sure that they would conclude that the statement was formulated very caustically.

Its another matter that I dont acknowledge it and neither do I expect you to (which doesnt say much about you). Im sort of used to you using this tone. Some people might say that excuses you. "Oh, Ahsan is just being Ahsan". But its really lame if everyone can bypass social graces and universal common sense by mantaining that their behavior should be judged by their own independent standards. Like, if i go around raping little kids, I should be forgiven since, come on, thats me. I always raped little kids so the rules shouldnt apply to me. Thats just how I am.

Anyway, it was rude and anybody you know will confirm that. Im actually shocked that you cant see that for yourself.
What would REALLY suck is if you only use that tone with people you know well; taking a more concilliatory and humble tone with the new readers of the blog. I suppose that would forgive you. But it also makes you a hypocrite. And id rather you be a prick than a hypocrite.
But I have faith in you to pull both of in a delicate balancing act.

Anonymous said...

Guys come on don't fight. Lettuce all just get along?

Ahsan said...

jeez, that escalated quickly. clearly the comment came out differently than what i had intended - usually when i'm rude, i mean to be rude. wasn't the case this time, so apologies.

Anonymous said...

"usually when i'm rude, i mean to be rude. wasn't the case this time, so apologies."

You pussy. What are you going to do now? Go strawberry picking in your dainty white frock? Come on man, show some heart. Get out those boxing gloves.

Ahsan said...

i donated my white frock to the salvation army.

Anonymous said...

To the comment above, real gutsy saying what you did as anonymous eh?


Anonymous said...

Don't be an obnoxious weed

Anonymous said...

wait we can vote as many times as we want?? that doesnt seem fair...

Ahsan said...

actually, no i don't think you can. you can vote multiple times only if you use different computers each time, which surely doesn't seem worth the trouble. i suppose i should have been clearer in the post.

Anonymous said...

Why would sixteen people go through the trouble of voting undecided? It's like the chewbacca defense; it makes no sense.