Tuesday, May 27, 2008

When Curbing Global Warming Meets Personal Hygiene

Yikes. From the NYT on efforts by college students to become carbon neutral:
With their professors as collaborators, and with their own technological and political savvy, students are persuading administrators to switch to fossil-free fuel on campus — Middlebury is building an $11 million wood-chip-powered plant, part of its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2016 — serve locally grown food in dining halls and make hybrid cars available for shared transportation when, say, the distance is too far to bike and there is no bus. Students are planting organic gardens and competing in dorm energy-use Olympics. At Oberlin last year, some students in the winning dorm did not shower for two weeks, officials said.


Anonymous said...

knowing oberlin, the lack of hygiene has little to do with conserving energy/water. plenty to do with being dirty hippies.

Ahsan said...

Oh, snap.