Monday, June 29, 2009

Good News: Pakistan Moving Down Failed States Rankings (Updated Below)

To quote Borat, wow wow wee waa. After a move to number nine last year, we've slipped to tenth, as Guinea and the Central African Republic put in sterling performances to displace us. Brilliant! At this rate, we will be Denmark in 2167.

Yes, yes, these rankings don't really mean anything, but is anyone going to deny they're fun as hell to look at?

UPDATE: Here's the link for the full rankings, complete with an interactive map and everything. A commenter wondered how we're above (below?) Haiti. I don't know about Haiti, but I'm wondering how the hell we're seven spots above (below?) North Korea and a full thirteen spots above (below?) Niger. Niger!


Kalsoom said...

Very naice! I like!

Ahsan said...

High five!

Unknown said...

Why are we above Haiti?

Anonymous said...

Looks like we ranked 12 in 2007...And Haiti was above(below?) us

Anonymous said...

So this is what Ambassador Haqqani and his 11 lobbying firms get us?

Tazeen said...

to quote Mr. Borat, I am excite that we are now behind Central African Republic ...

Ahsan said...


Yes, a ranking of 12 looks pretty good right now.


Looks like it, doesn't it?


No, the CAR are already ahead of us. We need to cheer on Haiti and Cote d'Ivoire. And if Kim Jong Il dies, and a split in the NK elite opens up, that will increase NK's "factionalized elites" score, which will put them higher. Here's hoping.

AKS said...

I just finished reading a related article in Foreign Policy explaining how climate change is going to make things far, far worse for Pakistan and other failed states within the next 25 years.

Does anyone actually want to raise their children in this country?