Thursday, August 13, 2009

You Go, Girl

Rachel Maddow hits all the right notes here. I highly recommend watching this.

I don't think it's easy for people outside the U.S. right now to properly gauge just how absolutely crazy the hardcore base of the conservative movement is acting right now. From their media stars (Limbaugh, Beck) to irresponsible politicians (Palin, Cheney) to nutjob foot-soldiers, they have all coalesced around the idea that Barack Obama is dangerous, is a Nazi, is a Socialist (anyone remotely familiar with European history will find those characterizations going hand in hand quite funny), and is a threat -- a physical threat -- that must be countered. Combined with racist misgivings about his race...I don't even want to put in words what I'm thinking. You know what I'm talking about.


Nikhil said...

"I don't even want to put in words what I'm thinking. You know what I'm talking about. "

Please put it in words because I have no idea what you're talking about

. said...

I can't even imagine how African Americans would react if something happened to Obama. It seems the republicans are using everything they've got against this: from Fox News being more idiotic than ever to senators and congressmen pandering to popular and clearly outlandish objections to federal health care. Its just gone up a notch. I can't remember such a concerted and dirty effort from the republicans to block something.

P.S. Rachel Maddow is awesome.

Zh. said...

this is the first time i've seen Rachel Maddow very very very upset. She's usually cheerfully cynical.

Bilal M. said...


Rachel also did an investigative piece on the people supporting and financing the "grassroots" anti-health reform movement.

check it out.

Asfandyar said...

The shit Fox and Hannity have spouted about the NHS is astonishing. Not to mention getting that absolute whore of politicial, Dan Hannan to blow air out of his ass regarding the NHS too.

This really isn't about health-care reform. The GOP simply wants to fuck Obama. You'd honestly think they'd learn after their trouncing in November, but fuck me they're remarkable cunts.

Ahsan said...


You're an idiot. Have you gotten dumber since you went to India?

Ali K:

It's not just black people. The level of anger you're going to see from progressives of all stripes will be off the charts.


Yeah, I agree. That's why I liked it -- the strength of her position really came through.


Yeah, thanks for passing that along. I saw that a few days ago.


Yup, I think the GOP is thinking only in terms of the 2010 midterms at this point and basing all their decisions on calculations concerning those elections. But if the economy picks up by then (which it probably will) they're going to have a hard time, regardless of whether or not they kill healthcare.

Butters said...

"I don't think it's easy for people outside the U.S. right now to properly gauge just how absolutely fucking crazy the hardcore base of the conservative movement is acting right now."

Wrong! People in Canada can appreciate it.