Thursday, January 14, 2010

Photo Of The Day

When trying to catch the ball (or staying out of your teammates' way), it might help to keep your eyes open.



Anonymous said...

haha...anyway, one positive is that finally one referral went the right way....

XYZ said...

Priceless! I saw this, but only from the other angle that TV was showing. And while I thought the ball was probably out of reach for them, I couldn't help but have a nagging feeling that had it been us batting and Australia fielding, Watson or Johnson or Clarke would have found some way of getting there and hanging on...

Reverse Swing said...

Those two are lame dropped catches ever specially Aamer's one.

They had too many basic thing went wrong in that catch. Just dumb and that could be costing a test match as well as building an otherwise disastrous summer for Punter.

Pointing was looking ugly, in ego and trouble but player like him need only 1 chance like that not 4 and he did it.

Second catch in this picture was well difficult but worse again basic thing went wrong that you call for it that its mine.

Someone asked me about that catch and I told him what would have been happening during that catch between those two here.

Nabeel said...

haha,i tweeted this photo too. it's amazingly horrible how neither of them had their eyes open,but to be fair they probably closed their eyes in reflex when they were about to collide and going down.

karachikhatmal said...

who do you guys think is the idiot in the slips who says "ohohoho" to every fucking ball. i suspect its khurram manzoor, cuz the sound wasn't there when he wasn't around. if so, he should be shot. i love the pakistani bowling and would like to emit inarticulate sounds of admiration as much as the next guy, but if i had to hear OhohOhohoO one more time...

NAA said...

Lord knows we cant catch with our eyes open. When you've dropped as many as we have then trying to catch while running with your eyes closed is worth a shot.

Anonymous said...

@karachi khatmal: the ohohoho has been there all through the series and it is annoying. Sounds like Imran Farhat or maybe Salman Butt!

Anonymous said...

No wonder Pakistan hasn't won a test match in 4 years...