Sunday, November 19, 2006

Quick links, no time for commentary

Lots of interesting stuff in the news today, unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view) I can't give my two cents on it all. David Aldridge, one of the best NBA reporters out there, says Webber should accept his role off the bench and stop whining. Maulana Fazlur Rahman says the Mindless Medieval Assholes won't allow the implementation of the WP Bill in NWFP and Balochistan. The New York Times weighs the possibilities of a grand bargain the Middle East, involving the U.S., Iran and Syria. Hilarious piece by Osman Samiuddin on that dumbass workshop the PCB organized. A BBC article says that for British Muslims, Kashmir might be a bigger magnet to terrorism than U.S. foreign policy. General Abizaid (hyperbole alert) says Islamic militancy could lead to World War III. Junk food ads will now be banned in children's magazines in Britain because their kids are too fat (this is going to work great - because if you don't see something in a magazine ad, you don't know it exists). And finally, Dawn is helping someone find their long lost friend. Awwww.

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