Friday, February 29, 2008


On Friday morning, a remote controlled bomb blast in Mingora's Laki Marwat district killed the local Deputy Police Superintendent Javed Iqbal, and three of his fellow officers.

Not 10 hours later, they suicide bomb DSP Javed Iqbal's funeral procession, killing his son and 40 other mourners, and wounding 80 others. There were around a thousand people in attendance at the funeral. Most of the victims were policemen and their families.

Emergency has been declared in Swat's hospitals, possibly because the Government realises that 40 funerals equal 40 'opportunities' to the sickeningly heartless.


Ahsan said...

this is what happens when you fight america's war.

NB said...

And what would you suggest?

Ahsan said...

dude, i wasn't being serious. have you read, uh, *anything* i've posted in the last 18 months?

AKS said...

I'm not sure declaring an emergency in Swat's hospitals is really going to help. According to news reports yesterday there are only 3 resident doctors left in Swat. That's 3 doctors handling ovre a hundred injured people. That's just not right. I'm sure the army must have sent in doctors soon after but I fear that was already too late for many.

Anonymous said...

How much blood do they have to distribute in these hospitals? Human blood that is...