Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Governor and his Paper

Now that the US election is over, I can go back to one of my favourite topics: hating on Punjab governor Salmaan Taseer. As always, the Daily Times, which just happens to be the paper Taseer owns, provides blow-by-blow coverage of the governor's day. Next time, however, they might want to ensure that they only print pictures of him hugging babies, and not give space to his moronic commentary.

Here's Taseer showing a complete lack of understanding of the lawyers' movement ( purposely?)
The governor said there was no reason for lawyers to continue their movement, as it was launched to dislodge former president General (r) Pervez Musharraf’s government and should be called off now that his government had ended.
Surely even a man of Taseer's limited intellectual capability understands that the movement was as much about restoring the chief justice and other deposed judges as it was about getting rid of Musharraf.

And here, appropos of nothing, is the governor's attempt to make a joke:
Taseer said Nawaz’s English had improved during his stay abroad.


AKS said...
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AKS said...

Taseer's an ass. There's something about him which really frightens me, he seems to me like a guy who could do some really nasty stuff.

Anonymous said...

He is quite frightening. But as governor in a PML-N province, he has very little power beyond his bully pulpit.

AKS said...

I think I'm physically scared of the man. And I don't think he requires a lot of power to do bad things, just enough.

I can imagine him water-boarding farmers while enjoying a nice, cool drink in the veranda of his lovely country estate on a Sunday. I'm not saying he does it, but I can imagine him doing it.

Anonymous said...


I doubt he drinks alcohol

Mooda said...

Just like how Maulvi Mian Nawaz Sharief used to do while burning slaves in his Bhatties and drinking with General ZiaulHaq some Desi Tharra...