Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monday Links

The right way to start your week.

Stephen Fry has written a beautiful letter to his sixteen-year-old self in The Guardian.

I thought the characters on Lost had daddy issues. Jelena Dokic gave an interview talking about the abuse she suffered at the hands of her father. He disproved her claims by threatening to bomb the Australian ambassador in Belgrade unless the interview was suppressed.

Well-pitched has a series of hilarious photographs from the post-match ceremony of the the fifth Australia-Pakistan ODI.

Also via Well-pitched is this collection of quotes at Cricinfo from the excitable commentators at the IPL.

I though Twitter was absolutely useless until this American Scene post pointed me in the direction of a former New Yorker staffer who is relating his short career at the best magazine in the world - 140 characters at a time.

American Scene also gives the millionth example of right-wing stupidity run amok. When told that Nazis were detained in the US, Congressman Pete Hoekstra explained that that was okay, while the Guantanamo guys can't be held in the country, because the Nazis didn't "kill three thousand American civilians as they went to work." Here's what American Scene has to say about that:

I’ve never found myself arguing that Nazis were actually pretty harmless, let alone trying to prove my point by asserting that unlike the Nazis, really bad guys kill at least 3,000 innocent civilians. If I ever do, I’ll consider it a red flag signalling that perhaps my argument is absurd.


Majaz said...

loved the cricinfo link. Hilarious!

Majaz said...

PS. My favorite was:

"That's a Citi moment of disaster."Robin Jackman misplaces his script while attempting to describe a dropped catch
May 6, 2009

Ahsan said...

The IPL's commercialization is quite sickening, and I say this as someone who's even bothered to watch this bastdarization of cricket.

Ahsan said...

Also, on right-wing stupidity, please note Hannity's attacks on Obama for wanting mustard on his burger:



somethingrichandstrange said...

love the guardian link. what a great letter. thanks for sharing, bubs!

Q said...

Thanks for linking to us at Well Pitched.

You guys got a good blog going here. Came down for the first time and looks very interesting.