Sunday, May 10, 2009

Whose Country is it Anyway?

A lot of people have noticed that Asif Zardari acts as if he owns the country. But, as this interview he did with Charlie Rose on PBS shows, his use of the singular pronoun may have gone too far:

The Soviet world was on our border. The Kalashnikov culture, the other negative creations of that war, have affected my growth. So I haven't with been able to grow according to the demand of my population, according to the demand of my times. So my 14 to $20 billion worth of export is not enough. I should have been an $80 billion export country by now if I didn't have this challenge in my neighborhood, if I didn't have the security risk, if I didn't have challenges of my wife being assassinated, of my brothers being killed, of my hotels being blown up. This all brings in weaknesses. And those weaknesses need shoring up. So that's the shoring up that we are hoping to negotiate with the world and bring in and [unintelligible] offer friends of a democratic Pakistan, being able to get much more help, to be stable in the next five years, to not want any help, not warrant any help. For instance, I want access to your markets on a specific [unintelligible] facility whereby I can produce and come into your markets and give more jobs to my people. The idea is to employ the youth, take away the youth, which the negative forces would take, and convert them -- convert them into positive human beings working for themselves and have pride in themselves rather than being used as for the force by this force called the Taliban.

Dude, keep up the pace of your wife's first two terms and you will be exporting $80 billion from Pakistan to your bank account in Dubai.

Also be sure to check Jon Stewart's takedown of Zardari from last week:

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Ahsan said...

It blows my mind that he keeps saying this shit. There are few things more annoying about Zardari than this "my" and "mine" bullshit. I think he HONESTLY thinks the country is his fiefdom.

Raza said...

he's actually staying at the Willard. buuutttt i guess that's not the point.
or is it?

Nadir Hassan said...

Yeah, at $5K a night. With his son in a separate room.

Ahsan said...

To be fair, his son's room is only $2500 a night, so it's not actually that big a deal.

The sense of entitlement that pervades the Bhuttos is sickening.

Xeb said...

Amazing. We sound like beggars. And that's because we ARE beggars. Everyday we're reaching new depths of low. It's scary. And what's scariest perhaps is the realization that there's yet-lower to go.

Nadir Hassan said...

Ahsan: I just love this

He said if other members of the president�s delegation would have been accommodated in another hotel, that would have been objected to by the critics as discrimination

I suppose it doesn't count as discrimination if your suite costs many times as much as anyone else's room. And what the fuck are most of these people doing there anyway? I hope the minister for food and agriculture had a good time.

Nabil said...

Haha "Go Taliban Go" was the same with " Go Musharaff Go".
Sound like a bunch of cheerleaders.

Nabil said...

Just to add to that, is it too late to hope for another case of exploding mangoes? Please?

Ahsan said...

Jokes about assassination aren't funny, at least to me. I know Zardari tests our limits at the best of times, but let's try and keep it civil, shall we?

Atiya Herekar said...

Mr and Mrs Hussain Haqqani lived on the 6th floor as well. I guess their Connecticut Ave home just didn't cut it. After all, he is the most ardent supporter of AAZ.

I lived by the Willard. View is great. From the 6th floor Presidential suite, you can see the Washington Monument. A big phallus rising from the sky. I think Zardari chose it because he wishes he had one as well.

Nadir Hassan said...

Anon1211: Funny you mention that National Review article. I'll be doing a post today on how ridiculous it is.

Shriniwas said...

I like some posts in your blog barring the fact that you call Indians as crusaders. Keep in mind that all humans are crusaders as we all came out of the jungles of Africa in search for food and established ourselves on all the continents. (Unless you believe that a Male White-Bearded God was bored one weekend and just for fun He had a one week project to create the World). Since you study Political Science, I would assume you know your history well.

I have been seeing how Pakistani Democracy works on a personal level with Nawaaz Sharif and Late Ms Bhutto. The Sindh v/s Panjab V/s NWFP v/s MQM seems to have ingrained in the psyche of ordinary Pakistan. THe truth is bitter but Pakistan cannot exist as a unified country based on democracy unless a major national revamp is done. Pakistan has forever survived on US loans, while India despite being so similar to Pakistan and Bangladesh, is now globally a much dominant player.

To be honest, after seeing what happened in Swat, today even Indian "occupied" Kashmiris are thinking twice to be associated with Pakistan. They are perhaps much well off than PoK/Azad Kashmir. Their kids have access to huge potential in India to study and work than they could in Pakistan.

Pakistan's intelligentsia needs to redo a lot of groundwork to make democracy succeed. India's checks and balances are not as strong as the US constitution but still the CBI, the Indian Judiciary, he election commission and the Military have disciplined non association with any government. So does India's largely a political private sector (which I would say are much more greedy than anywhere else on the planet). But still based on the sheer might of India's polity, I would say India's democracy works and people's voices are heard. I really hope you guys stop thinking about Hindus, Jews and Americans as your enemies or blame them for every wrongs in Pak!

As For Zardari in Washington, he may be here loking for a nice retirement home for himself in the suburbs .. :D

Nadir Hassan said...

Shiriniwas: I think you have me confused with Ahsan. He's the political science guy. And I don't think any of us have ever called Indians crusaders, except ironically.

Majaz said...

*sinks down in seat with shame*

That is stupid, depressing and everything else ridiculous under the sun. The "my, my, my" is just insane. Really, who's writing his speeches, who's telling him that he's foolproof? THAT'S the guy we need to shot.

I can't help but go back to the question that rings in my head everytime I hear a Zardariism.

How can anyone ... a President of a country that is over 60 years old nonetheless ... be so so stupid?!

Majaz said...


Philistine said...

hahaha... omg this is hilarious!

This paragraph is particularly Palin-esque: "So I haven't with been able to grow according to the demand of my population, according to the demand of my times. So my 14 to $20 billion worth of export is not enough. I should have been an $80 billion export country by now if I didn't have this challenge in my neighborhood, if I didn't have the security risk, if I didn't have challenges of my wife being assassinated, of my brothers being killed, of my hotels being blown up. This all brings in weaknesses. And those weaknesses need shoring up."

The 'shoring up the economy' bits bring to mind her interview with katie couric and how fking random and disjointed it was. No wonder he was ready to hug her if insisted... he'd finally found his ilk! It's called the Clan of Sentence Incompletion - CSI:US-Pak.

Khair kya kar saktai hain? There's not much we can do except shake our heads and say "My, my".

Anonymous said...

not happy in either case are you my dear? it seems like such a replica of the american policy.. "i want heads and i win even when it's tails" eh?
had zardari not taken ownership for pakistan we would've had issues. now that he is out there, straining for the very survival and existence of the country in the face of shitty rhetoric like "the taliban are 60miles from the capital" and "pakistan will collapse in 6months"... we are not happy... which way is it?